CrossFit Specialty Course: Kettlebell
CrossFit Specialty Course: Kettlebell Where: CrossFit Hannam 용산구 한남대로21길 17, B1, 크로스핏 한남 When: April 21, 2018 7:30am~5:00pm 4월21일...

Happiness Bootcamp Session
2017년 8월 20일 (일요일) 4시-6시 크로스핏 한남 부트캠프 존에서 열리는 Happiness Bootcamp Session에 초대합니다. 비영리 단체인 Stella Foundation의 "행복 행사"는 대화와 운동을 통해 행복함을 높일 수...

Join us August 6 to watch the CrossFit Games
Sunday August 6, 2017 Event Come and watch the Crossfit Games with Crossfit Hannam and Fight Tonight CrossFit at the Wolfhound Irish Pub...

Why Recovery is so Important for Crossfit Training
Most of us have had those moments when you just can’t stop talking about crossfit. This habit extends to friends, family, and work...

Keeping your kids on track while on summer vacation
Chicken nuggets, pizza, and spaghetti. That’s just a few of the items seen all too commonly on the ‘kid’s’ section of a menu at eateries...